If you are looking for a reception place for your child for September 2025, we would love to show you around our amazing school. Tours are available on 16/09, 8/10, 14/11 and 2/12. We also have an Open Morning on Saturday 9th November from 10 - 12. Please call the school office to book in . You can apply for a place at Lostwithiel School using the link below from 4th September 2025 https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/apply-to-start-school-or-transfer-to-junior-secondary-or-ks4-school-in-september-2025/

Safeguarding at Lostwithiel School

For safeguarding and all other policies, please click here.

Safeguarding Information 

Welcome to Lostwithiel Primary School.

At Lostwithiel Primary School we are committed to Safeguarding children. The health, safety and emotional well-being of every child are our paramount concern. Our aim is that the children will thrive with us in a safe and happy environment.

As part of our general Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures we would like you to note that:

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead at our school is Elaine Badger -Headteacher. 

  • The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Kate Webber- Assistant Headteacher


Our Safeguarding Governor is Rebecca Ellis.  She can be contacted through the School Office or directly via email: rellis@gov.celtrust.org 

  • If you have concerns about the welfare of any child during your visit, then you should speak to one of the designated leads.

  • You must wear your visitors badge at all times.

  • Do not open any doors to any visitors. All visitors must go through the School Office.

  • Please read the Tier 1  ‘Keeping Children Safe’ leaflet that can be found below

  • If you have any concerns about the conduct of a member of staff, or any other adult, then you should speak to the designated lead.

  • If you have concerns regarding a designated lead then you should contact Dan Solly, Chair of Governors via email: chairs@los.celtrust.org

  • Please respect confidentiality at all times.

 We are an operation Encompass School. Click here to find out more about this.

School First Aiders

Kate Webber, Barbara George,  Lisa Latham, Sarah Statham, Mike Stead, Katy Faircloth, Tom Newberry, Jenny Tiddy, Charlene Rule, Louise Doney

 Health and Safety

If you have any queries or concerns relating to Health and Safety please speak to:

Elaine Badger – Headteacher

Mike Stead – Health and Safety Governor

Site manager- John Warnham

 Fire Drills

If you hear a continuous bell, please follow the instructions of the member of staff you are working with or, if alone, leave the building through the nearest exit.

 Please find our safeguarding policies and information in the folder on the left of this page. If you have any questions, please direct them to one of the staff in the office or the Headteacher on lostwithielhead@celtrust.org